Instructions for Poster Presenters
Thank you for being a poster presenter!
We encourage you to put up your posters on the 2nd floor mezzanine corridor in PAIS when you arrive at the conference on Friday morning, and leave them up for the duration of the conference. Alternatively, you may put them up during lunch (11:45 am – 1:00 pm), or during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks. Informal poster-viewing will be at any time throughout the conference. The formal poster-session, F01, is designated from 4 – 6 pm on Friday afternoon, and this session is immediately followed by the conference banquet, 5 minutes away in the Student Union Building.
The walls in the mezzanine corridor consist mostly of glass window panes. (See example photo). The number that APS has assigned to your poster (e.g. F01.00001) will correspond to a number that you will find displayed on one of these panes. Beneath each number you will find a half-dozen pieces of poster-putty adhesive. Please use the putty to hang your poster at its designated location.
Finally, please take your posters down when you leave on Saturday; any posters not removed by 6:00 pm on Saturday will be discarded.